How to Use VPN?

Using a VPN is as easy as clicking or tapping on a few buttons and you're good to go...

what is VPN service

The other day, a guy (we won’t be naming names here) sent us a question that seemed very basic… Until we started sending him our explanation, only to realize that it required a more comprehensive reply. And so we decided to give it a full-blown “article treatment.”

The question is from an obvious newbie who simply asked us how to use a VPN. Our answer is below, but first – we want to explain how a VPN works its magic…

The VPN “magic”

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network – it is the technology that allows users to send and receive data across public networks as if their devices were directly connected to the private network. This “magic” happens in the background, and you may not even realize that you’re connected to a VPN — all you have to do is press/tap the “connect” button, and you’re good to go.

This technology was originally invented to enable users to connect to their home or office network while they’re in a different location. It makes this possible by using special protocols to encrypt all communication between your device(s) and the rest of the world so that no one can snoop into your data as it passes through the network.

To put it differently, a VPN establishes a virtual point-to-point connection using “tunneling protocols” over existing networks.

How can you use a VPN?

Previously, setting up a VPN required a lot of technical knowledge both on the client and server sides. These days, however, the situation is very different and all you have to do is select the server you want to connect to, click/tap connect and that’s it. From that point on, every bit of data will be traveling through that server before it gets back to your device.

What’s more, many VPNs will make it even easier for you, suggesting the server based on a few criteria, such as your location, server occupancy and so on. In most cases, clicking/tapping on that usually-called “Quick Connect” button is what you need. Except if you want to access content that is reserved for people living in certain locations — when you want to select a server in those locations.

Then, when you’re connected, you can worry less about your privacy — knowing that a VPN is doing the heavy lifting in the background to protect your personal information. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, your IP address is one of the servers you’ve connected to. They will have no idea of your real IP address and, consequently, your location.

Get the best VPN money could buy

There are two key reasons you should get the best VPN you can:

  1. You should NOT be cheap on your privacy. It’s your right and you shouldn’t take it lightly.
  2. Even the best VPNs cost just a few dollars per month.

The Best VPNs will let you roam the Internet like it’s nobody’s business while also allowing you access content that could otherwise be outside of your reach. This could be particularly important in high-censorship countries, at some workplaces and so on. Suddenly, there are no limits to what you can see online.

So if you still haven’t found a VPN for yourself, now’s the time to change that. Visit our page with the Best of the Best VPNs and make your pick. Yes, you can always thank us later. 😉