There are many reasons why you would want to get a VPN, but its most important benefit is to protect your privacy online. In this article, we will highlight a few of the most important benefits a VPN brings to the table.
But first, let us explain how VPN does “its thing,” shall we?
How does a VPN work?
VPN, which is short for Virtual Private Network, is the technology that enables users to move data across public networks as if their devices were connected to a private network. This movement of data happens in the background and users may not even know they’re connected to a VPN. All they have to do is press/tap the “connect” button and they’re good to go.
A VPN was originally invented to allow users to connect to their home or office network while they’re in a different location. It does that by using special protocols to encrypt all communication between its device(s) and the rest of the world. As a result, no one can snoop into the data as it passes through the network.
This could also be said differently: A VPN establishes a virtual point-to-point connection using tunneling (VPN) protocols over existing networks.
All being said, here’s what a VPN could do for you:
1. VPN will protect your privacy
This, we would say, is the most important reason why anyone would get a VPN. With its ability to encrypt traffic on the Internet, a VPN makes sure that even if the data is intercepted — the malicious actor wouldn’t be able to do anything with it.
In a different scenario, a VPN will protect the user’s privacy by hiding what he/she is doing on the Internet from the likes of Google and Facebook — both of which are known for keeping track of every move we make online. And, obviously, we don’t like that.
Just recall the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal to realize where (misuse of) this tracking could lead. Most people don’t want to be tracked online and with a VPN, they get to keep what they’re doing on the Internet under the radar.
Plus, let’s not forget the various government agencies which are also looking to build our digital profiles by analyzing what and when we do on the Internet.
2. VPN will protect you while connecting to public Wi-Fi
It is common sense not to use public Wi-Fi networks, but sometimes – that is not an option as you have to connect to get something done online.
In those instances, you better have a VPN running on your devices to stay safe from malicious actors trying to snoop into your traffic. The number of these so-called “man in the middle” attacks has been growing in recent years, so it is advisable to have a tool that would protect you on a public Wi-Fi hotspot. And that tool is a VPN.
3. VPN will let you bypass content restrictions
One of the most popular use cases for VPNs is to use it for accessing video streaming services from anywhere. This is especially important during visits to other countries when a service like Netflix could block you from accessing your own account. That’s just the way these services work, as they have content rights to deal with.
A VPN can trick Netflix’s servers into “thinking” that you’re in the U.S. (or wherever), while in reality — you could be on the other side of the world.
Different types of restrictions could be imposed in schools and universities, workplaces, and some (high-censorship) countries. With a VPN, you get to select the (server) location and roam the Internet like it’s nobody’s business.
Get yourself a VPN today!
It is our belief that everyone should use a VPN these days, and the easiest way to join this ride is to visit our page with the Best of the Best VPNs.
You see, we’ve spent a ton of time testing a few dozen different services and out of them – we selected those that are worth your time and money. So, check out that page and make your pick today. It is time to regain your privacy and access the Internet without limits of any kind and without anyone knowing what you’re doing online. Click here to get the best VPN today!